The French Institut des actuaires (IA) and the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV) bilaterally started the Young Actuaries Initiative with an explicit multilateral perspective, which is supposed to function as a networking hub, a hotbed of ideas, a facilitator of contacts and an organizer of events–join us and help shape tomorrow’s “Europe of Young Actuaries”!
The Institut des actuaires in France (IA) and the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV) are two major European actuarial associations that regularly exchange expertise, analyze industry developments, and explore potential collaborative projects. In April 2023, a bilateral meeting sparked the idea of closely coordinating efforts on young actuaries and community building / career development.
Throughout 2023, volunteers from the associations entities for young actuaries—IA Club Jeune Actuaire and the DAV Young Actuaries Network—were briefed on these initial plans and their ideas and preferences were sought. To give initial contours to the international project, two groups of young professionals worked out the concept of conducting a session at Convention A Europe in March 2024 entitled “The Actuary of the Future” as first common project.
As part of this, young actuaries from France and Germany have delved into current hot topics and shared their views and expertise on the ‘S’ dimension of ESG criteria and AI / data science. The recording can be watched on actuview.
But this is just the beginning! The conceptualization and operationalisation of the Young Actuaries Initiative is ongoing as is the exchange with different actuarial associations. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay tuned on future news and activities!